Friday, July 25, 2014

Days 2-4 Sea Kayaking and Travel

We have spent the last few days adjusting to life in a mobile home while traversing the Pacific Northwest.  Dorothy and Callie made made their nest in the loft of the RV.
 We have officially traveled via ferry 5 times and are always blown away by the's pretty windy.  Ferry rides were a first for a few of us in the group who got to mark them off our bucket list.  Ferries and walking were our main form of transportation for the first 2 days until we were finally able to get our RV on Wednesday.
 Once we got the RV, we drove to Washington Park Campground where we stayed Wednesday and Thursday nights.
 On Thursday, Carlisle took over and directed us to the San Juan Islands where she had a sea kayaking tour set up for us.  On the kayaking tour, we were hoping to see Orcas but there were really strong winds that made conditions not safe for kayaking.  The tour group took us to another side of the island where there was only a 5% chance of seeing the Orcas - it was 50% in the normal put-in spot.  So, we were bummed that we did not get to see the Orcas, but we still had an amazing time getting out on the water and learning about the ecosystems in the area.  We had a lot of fun!! Here are some other photos from our kayaking trip!!
 A selfie of Brad and Charlie - it speaks for itself
 Finally out on the water after switching spots and going through safety, training and getting strapped down in all our gear.
 The gang together waiting for the kayaking tour to pick us up from the fairy terminal.
 We saw several Harbor Seals playing in the Puget Sound as well as many gulls.
 VICTORY!  After battling a long day of kayaking against really strong winds, we all celebrated with Carlisle.
 Investigating some bull kelp, sea lettuce and other organisms trapped in a kelp mix
On Friday, we spent more time with Carlisle and Brad reviewing our Puget Sound experiences and getting acquainted with our new surroundings.  Tomorrow morning we will go up to Hurricane Ridge and then head over to have fun in the Inter-tidal zones with Emilee.

That's all for now!  We have been having trouble finding internet but will have another post ASAP.


  1. Thank you! I am so glad to see your smiling faces! I sure do miss you guys....

  2. Looks amazing! You have such a great opportunity! Have fun and be safe! :-)
